Complete List of JLPT N4 Kanji
Here is the complete list of JLPT N4 Kanji to help you with systematic preparation to study for JLPT N4 certification.
You need to remember about 250 Kanji for JLPT N4, which includes the Kanji characters you learned for JLPT N5. Considering this, we have prepared the complete list for JLPT Kanji here.
The following list of JLPT N4 Kanji includes the On’yomi, or Chinese pronunciations, which are frequently used when a specific Kanji is combined with another for a word, and also the Kun’yomi, or Japanese pronunciations, for the independent Kanji reading.
The following Kanji list also mentions the number of strokes for each Kanji. Please note that the Kanji characters for JLPT N4 range from 2 strokes to 18 strokes.
List of 167 Kanji Characters for JLPT N4 Level
# | Kanji | On’yomi | Kun’yomi | Meaning of the Kanji | Number of Strokes |
1 | 会 | kai (カイ) | a-u (あ-う) | meet, see, meeting as in 会議 (kaigi) | 6 |
2 | 同 | dou (ドウ) | ona-ji (おな-じ) | same, equal, identical, agreement as in 合意 (Gōi) | 6 |
3 | 事 | ji (ジ), zu (ズ) | koto (こと) | thing, matter | 8 |
4 | 自 | ji (ジ), shi (シ) | mizuka-ra (みずか-ら) | self, oneself | 6 |
5 | 社 | sha (シャ) | Yashiro (やしろ) | company, shrine (as in 神社 / Jinja) | 7 |
6 | 発 | hatsu (ハツ), hotsu (ホツ) | departure, the action of leaving, especially to start a journey, emit | 9 | |
7 | 者 | sha (シャ) | mono (もの) | person | 8 |
8 | 地 | chi (チ), ji ( ジ) | ground, earth | 6 | |
9 | 業 | gyou (ギョウ) | waza (わざ) | skii, karma, | 13 |
10 | 方 | hou (ホウ) | kata (かた) | direction | 4 |
11 | 新 | shin (シン) | atara-shii (あたら-しい), ara-ta (あら-た), nii (にい) | new | 13 |
12 | 場 | jou (ジョウ) | ba (ば) | location, place | 12 |
13 | 員 | in (イン) | member, personnel | 10 | |
14 | 立 | ritsu (リツ), ryu (リュウ) | ta-tsu (た-つ), ta-teru (た-てる) | to stand, stand up | 5 |
15 | 開 | kai (カイ) | a-ku (あ-く), a-keru (あ-ける), hira-ku (ひら-く), hira-keru (ひら-ける) | open, unfold, unseal | 12 |
16 | 手 | shu (シュ) | te (て) | hand | 4 |
17 | 力 | riki (リキ), ryoku (リョク), | chikara (ちから) | power, strength | 2 |
18 | 問 | mon (モン) | to-i (と-い), to-u (と-う), ton (とん) | question, ask | 11 |
19 | 代 | dai (ダイ) | ka-eru (か-える), ka-waru (か-わる), shiro (しろ), yo (よ) | substitute, replace, instead, in place of, generation | 5 |
20 | 明 | mei (メイ), myou (ミョウ) | a-kasu (あ-かす), aka-rui (あか-るい), aki-raka (あき-らか) | bright, light, clear | 8 |
21 | 動 | douドウ | ugo-kasu (うご-かす), ugo-ku (うご-く) | move, motion, operate | 11 |
22 | 京 | kyou (キョウ), kei (ケイ), kin (キン) | miyako (みやこ) | capital city | 8 |
23 | 目 | moku (モク) boku (ボク) | me (め), ma (ま) | eye | 5 |
24 | 通 | tsu (ツ), tsuu (ツウ) | too-ru (とお-る), kayo-u (かよ-う) | pass pass through, passage | 10 |
25 | 言 | gen (ゲン), gon (ゴン) | i-u (い-う), koto (こと) | say, speak, word | 7 |
26 | 理 | ri (リ) | logic, reason | 11 | |
27 | 体 | tai (タイ), tei (テイ) | karada (からだ) | body, object, form | 7 |
28 | 田 | den (デン) | ta (た) | rice field, paddy | 5 |
29 | 主 | shu (シュ), su (ス) | nushi (ぬし), omo (おも) | lord, master, main thing, principal | 5 |
30 | 題 | dai (ダイ) | topic, subject, title, theme | 18 | |
31 | 意 | i (イ) | mind, meaning, intention | 13 | |
32 | 不 | fu (フ), bu (ブ) | negative, non- (as in non-stop), -un (as in unreal) | 4 | |
33 | 作 | saku (サク), sa (サ) | tsuku-ru (つく-る) | make, create, produce | 7 |
34 | 用 | you (ヨウ) | mochi-iru (もち-いる) | utilize, use | 5 |
35 | 度 | do (ド), taku (タク) | tabi (たび), ta-i (た-い)) | degrees (e.g. 30ºF or 30ºC means sanju do), occasion, time, counter for occurrences | 9 |
36 | 強 | kyou (キョウ), gou (ゴウ) | tsuyo-i (つよ-い), shi-iru (し-いる) | strong, powerful | 11 |
37 | 公 | kou (コウ) | oyake (おおやけ) | public, official, formal | 4 |
38 | 持 | ji (ジ) | mo-tsu (も-つ) | hold, have | 9 |
39 | 野 | ya (ヤ) | no (の) | field, plains | 11 |
40 | 以 | i (イ) | than this, compared with, by means of, in view of | 5 | |
41 | 思 | shi (シ) | omo-u (おも-う) | think | 9 |
42 | 家 | ka (カ), ke (ケ) | ie (いえ), ya (や), uchi (うち) | house, home, | 10 |
43 | 世 | sei (セイ), se (セ) | yo (よ) | world, society, generation | 5 |
44 | 多 | ta (タ) | oo-i (おお-い) | many, much | 6 |
45 | 正 | sei (セイ), shou (ショウ) | tada-shii (ただ-しい), masa-ni (まさ-に) | correct, true, righteous | 5 |
46 | 安 | an (アン) | yasu-i (やす-い) | cheap, safe, releive | 6 |
47 | 院 | in (イン) | institution, temple | 10 | |
48 | 心 | shin (シン) | kokoro (こころ) | heart, mind, spirit, feelings, emotions | 4 |
49 | 界 | kai (カイ) | boundary, border | 9 | |
50 | 教 | kyou (キョウ) | oshi-eru (おし-える), oso-waru (おそ-わる) | teach, instruct, faith | 11 |
51 | 文 | bun (ブン), mon (モン) | fumi (ふみ) | sentence, literature | 4 |
52 | 元 | gen (ゲン), gan (ガン) | moto (もと) | origin, beginning | 4 |
53 | 重 | juu (ジュウ), chou (チョウ) | omo-i (おも-い), e (え), kasa-neru (かさ-ねる) | heavy, duplicate | 9 |
54 | 近 | kin (キン) | chika-i (ちか-い) | near, close (as in proximity) | 7 |
55 | 考 | kou (コウ) | kanga-eru (かんが-える) | consider, think over | 6 |
56 | 画 | ga (ガ), kaku (カク) | picture, painting, brush-stroke | 8 | |
57 | 海 | kai (カイ) | umi (うみ) | sea, ocean | 9 |
58 | 売 | bai (バイ) | u-ru (う-る) | sell | 7 |
59 | 知 | chi (チ) | shi-ru (し-る) | know, wisdom | 8 |
60 | 道 | dou (ドウ), to (トウ) | michi (みち) | road, way, street | 12 |
61 | 集 | shuu (シュウ) | atsu-maru (あつ-まる) atsu-meru (あつ-める) tsudo-u (つど-う) | gather, get together, collect | 12 |
62 | 別 | betsu (ベツ) | waka-reru (わか-れる), wa-keru) (わ-ける) | separate, different, another | 7 |
63 | 物 | butsu (ブツ), motsu (モツ) | mono (もの ) | thing, object, matter | 8 |
64 | 使 | shi (シ) | tsuka-u (つか-う) | use, spend, messenger, ambassador (as in 大使) | 8 |
65 | 品 | hin (ヒン) | shina (しな) | goods, article | 9 |
66 | 計 | kei (ケイ) | haka-ru (はか-る) | plot, plan, count, measure | 9 |
67 | 死 | shi (シ) | shi-nu (し-ぬ) | death, die | 6 |
68 | 特 | toku (トク) | special | 10 | |
69 | 私 | shi (シ) | watashi (わたし), watakushi (わたくし) | I, me, private | 7 |
70 | 始 | shi (シ) | haji-maru (はじ-まる), haji-meru (はじ-める) | begin, start, commence | 8 |
71 | 朝 | chou (チョウ) | asa (あさ) | morning | 12 |
72 | 運 | un (ウン) | hako-bu (はこ-ぶ) | carry, transport, luck, fortune | 12 |
73 | 終 | shuu (シュウ) | o-waru (お-わる) | end, finish | 11 |
74 | 台 | dai (ダイ), tai (タイ) | utena (うてな) | pedestal, a stand, pedastle, counter for machines and vehicles | 5 |
75 | 広 | kou (コウ) | hiro-i, (ひろ-い) | wide, broad, spacious | 5 |
76 | 住 | juu (ジュウ), chuu (チュウ) | su-mu (す-む) | live, dwell, reside, inhabit | 7 |
77 | 無 | mu (ム), bu (ブ) | na-i (な-い) | nothing, without | 12 |
78 | 真 | shin (シン) | ma (ま), makoto (まこと) | true, truth, reality, Buddhist sect | 10 |
79 | 有 | yuu (ユウ), u (ウ) | a-ru (あ-る) | have, possess, exist | 6 |
80 | 口 | kou (コウ) | kuchi (くち) | mouth | 3 |
81 | 少 | shou (ショウ) | suku-nai (すく-ない), suko-shi (すこ-し) | few, little | 4 |
82 | 町 | chou (チョウ) | machi (まち) | town, city, block (as in city block) | 7 |
83 | 料 | ryou (リョウ) | fee, materials | 10 | |
84 | 工 | kou (コウ), ku (ク), gu (グ) | craft, construction | 3 | |
85 | 建 | ken (ケン), kon (コン) | ta-tsu (た-つ), ta-teru (た-てる) | build, construct | 9 |
86 | 空 | kuu (クウ) | sora (そら), kara (から), a-ku (あ-く), su-ku (す-く), muna-shii (むな-しい) | empty, void, vacant, vacuum, sky | 8 |
87 | 急 | kyuu (キュウ) | iso-gu (いそ-ぐ) | hurry, sudden, urgent | 9 |
88 | 止 | shi (シ) | to-maru (と-まる), to-meru (と-める), todo-maru (とど-まる) | stop, halt | 4 |
89 | 送 | sou (ソウ) | oku-ru (おく-る) | send | 9 |
90 | 切 | setsu (セツ), sai (サイ) | ki-ru (き-る), ki-reru (き-れる) | cut | 4 |
91 | 転 | ten (テン) | koro-gasu (ころ-がす), koro-garu (ころ-がる), koro-geru (ころ-げる), koro-bu (ころ-ぶ) | revolve, turn around, tumble | 11 |
92 | 研 | ken (ケン) | to-gu (と-ぐ) | polish, sharpen | 9 |
93 | 足 | soku (ソク) | ashi (あし), ta-riru (た-りる) | foot, leg, to be sufficient | 7 |
94 | 究 | kyuu (キュウ) | kiwa-meru (きわ-める) | research, study, dvelve into | 7 |
95 | 楽 | gaku (ガク), raku (ラク) | tano-shii, (たの-しい), tano-shimu (たの-しむ) | music, pleasure, comfort, ease, enjoyment | 13 |
96 | 起 | ki (キ) | o-kiru (お-きる), oko-su (おこ-す) | wake up, get up, rouse | 10 |
97 | 着 | jaku (ジャク), chaku (チャク) | ki-ru (き-る), tsu-ku (つ-く) | arrive, reach, put on, wear | 12 |
98 | 店 | ten (テン) | mise (みせ) | store, shop | 8 |
99 | 病 | byou (ビョウ), hei (ヘイ) | ya-mu (や-む), yamai (やまい) | ill, sick | 10 |
100 | 質 | shitsu (シツ), shichi (シチ), chi (チ) | tachi (たち), tada-su (ただ-す) | quality | 15 |
Please remember that JLPT N4 level Kanji also includes the ones you learned for JLPT N5; therefore, please do not forget to review this list of JLPT N5 Kanji. You will also need to remember the Kanji characters of the N4 level during your preparation for subsequent Japanese Language Proficiency Tests, as the next JLPT levels will include all these Kanji characters as well.
Check other Kanji characters on the page “How to Learn Kanji.“ You may also like to read about the most common Kanji radicals.

A long-term ex-pat in Japan, Himanshu comes with an IT background in SAP consulting, IT Business Development, and then running the country operations of an IT consulting multinational. Himanshu is the co-founder and Managing Director of ReachExt K.K. and He is also an Advisory Board Member of a Silicon Valley AI/IoT startup.