LoopBack Framework of Node.js

Developed and maintained by StrongLoop (acquired by IBM), Node.js’s LoopBack framework emerged as a leading choice for developers aiming to simplify complex integrations between the front end and various data sources, using a mix of predefined and custom-made building blocks.

What is the LoopBack Framework?

LoopBack is a highly extensible, open-source Node.js framework that facilitates RESTful APIs’ rapid development and subsequent deployment.

The framework offers a rich set of tools and features, including, but not limited to, a CLI (command-line interface) for scaffolding, a dynamic API explorer, and robust connectivity to databases through ORM (Object–role modeling) models. Moreover, LoopBack’s declarative model definition allows the seamless definition of data structures, relationships, and other core functionalities without the intricacies of diving deep into code.

Its extensible components and vibrant community make LoopBack a go-to solution for building scalable and maintainable server-side applications, especially in an era dominated by microservices, cloud-native applications, and diverse data sources. This article aims to delve into the intricacies of LoopBack, revealing how it stands as a beacon for modern API development.

So, let’s get started and understand the benefits of using the loopback framework in our next node.js project.

Need for LoopBack Framework

Following are some of the issues that we can address with the LoopBack Framework:

1. Modern Web Development Challenges

Professionals confront numerous challenges that the LoopBack framework adeptly addresses in the dynamic landscape of modern web development.

One of the primary challenges is managing and processing large volumes of data efficiently.

LoopBack, with its strong emphasis on API-driven interfaces, enables developers to handle complex data operations seamlessly, ensuring both the integrity and quick accessibility of data – a vital aspect for real-time user interactions.

Integration with various databases and third-party services is another critical challenge.

LoopBack stands out by offering easy and secure integration capabilities. Its extensible nature allows for seamless connections with a wide range of databases and external APIs, facilitating the creation of sophisticated, interconnected applications that can leverage diverse digital services without compromising performance or security.

Scalability is an essential requirement in today’s web applications.

LoopBack, built on Node.js, is inherently scalable, catering to efficiently increasing user loads and transactions. This scalability is not just a technical feature but a core aspect that supports business growth and adaptability in a highly competitive digital space.

Addressing security concerns, LoopBack provides robust security features and best practices to safeguard user data.

It emphasizes secure data handling and transmission, crucial in an era of rampant data breaches and privacy concerns. Developers using LoopBack can implement strong security measures effortlessly, ensuring their applications are resistant to common vulnerabilities.

Lastly, the rapid technological advancements in web development demand frameworks that are not only robust but also flexible and forward-thinking.

LoopBack’s architecture is designed for adaptability, enabling developers to keep pace with emerging trends and technologies such as microservices and cloud-native development. This makes LoopBack a solution for current challenges and a framework geared for future advancements.

In essence, LoopBack’s capabilities directly address the core challenges of modern web development, making it an indispensable tool for developers aiming to build efficient, secure, and scalable web applications in today’s fast-paced digital ecosystem

2. Customization and Extensibility

The LoopBack framework, renowned for its robustness in web application development, also excels in its customization and extensibility capabilities. This flexibility is a cornerstone of LoopBack, allowing developers to tailor the framework to meet specific project requirements and easily integrate bespoke functionalities.

At the heart of LoopBack’s customization features is its modular architecture. Developers can augment the framework’s core functionalities with custom components, plugins, or middleware. This modularity not only simplifies the addition of new features but also ensures that the application remains lightweight, as developers can include only what they need, avoiding unnecessary bloat.

Extensibility in LoopBack is further enhanced by its comprehensive connector library. The framework provides a wide array of connectors for various databases and services, but it doesn’t stop there. Developers can create their own connectors, making it possible to integrate with virtually any data source or service. This level of customization opens doors to limitless possibilities, ensuring that applications can evolve alongside emerging technologies and business needs.

Another notable aspect of LoopBack’s extensibility is its support for middleware. Middleware in LoopBack can be strategically inserted at various points in the request-response cycle, allowing for fine-grained control over how requests are processed and responses are generated. This feature is particularly beneficial for implementing custom security measures, logging, or modifying request data.

The framework’s strong emphasis on extensibility is also evident in its support for custom model definitions and remote methods. Developers can define their own models and expose custom remote methods via REST, further enhancing the API’s capabilities. This allows creation of complex, tailored APIs that align precisely with business logic and user requirements.

In summary, LoopBack’s commitment to customization and extensibility empowers developers to craft unique, efficient, and scalable web applications. By providing the tools to extend and customize its core, LoopBack ensures that developers are not just using a framework but are engaging with a dynamic ecosystem that adapts to their creative and technical demands.

3. Adaptability to Modern Architectures

In the rapidly evolving web application development landscape, the LoopBack framework distinguishes itself with its exceptional adaptability to modern architectures. This adaptability is crucial in an era where architectural patterns like microservices, cloud-native applications, and serverless computing are becoming the norm.

LoopBack’s design philosophy inherently supports the development of microservices — small, independently deployable services that collectively form a complex application.

LoopBack enables developers to build and maintain each microservice as a separate entity by facilitating the creation of lightweight, modular APIs. This modular approach aligns perfectly with microservices architecture principles, promoting scalability, ease of maintenance, and faster deployment.

For cloud-native applications, LoopBack proves to be an equally adept choice. Its compatibility with containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes makes deploying LoopBack applications in a cloud environment straightforward.

LoopBack framework’s efficiency in handling APIs and services complements cloud platforms’ dynamic, scalable nature, ensuring applications are cloud-friendly and optimized for cloud performance.

The framework’s adaptability extends to serverless architectures as well. With serverless computing gaining traction for its cost-effectiveness and scalability, LoopBack’s ability to integrate with serverless environments allows developers to build applications that can scale automatically with demand without the overhead of managing server infrastructure.

Moreover, LoopBack’s forward-thinking approach means it continuously evolves to embrace new technologies and methodologies. Its architecture is not static; it’s designed to be flexible and extensible, ensuring it remains relevant and effective despite technological advancements.

In conclusion, LoopBack’s adaptability to modern architecture is one of its most compelling features. Whether it’s microservices, cloud-native development, or serverless computing, LoopBack provides a robust, flexible foundation that empowers developers to build applications that are not just current but future-ready.

4. Robust Security Features

In the digital era where security breaches and data threats are increasingly common, the LoopBack framework stands out for its robust security features, making it a trusted choice for developers prioritizing application security. LoopBack’s comprehensive security model addresses various aspects of web application security to safeguard data and ensure user privacy.

A key aspect of LoopBack’s security is its user authentication and authorization capabilities. The framework offers a flexible, powerful system for managing user identities, roles, and access controls.

Developers can easily implement secure login mechanisms and define role-based access rules, ensuring that users can only interact with the application in ways their permissions allow. This granularity in access control is essential for applications dealing with sensitive user data or complex business logic.

Token-based authentication in LoopBack further enhances security. By utilizing tokens, such as JWT (JSON Web Tokens), LoopBack ensures secure transmission of credentials and maintains session integrity. This method is particularly effective in stateless API environments, where each request must be independently authenticated, providing a critical layer of security for modern web applications.

Data validation and sanitization are other crucial security features in LoopBack. The framework provides tools for validating input data against predefined models and schemas, preventing common vulnerabilities like SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS). This automatic validation not only simplifies the developer’s task but also ensures a higher level of security, as potential threats are systematically filtered out.

Furthermore, LoopBack’s architecture supports implementing custom security policies and protocols, allowing developers to incorporate additional security measures. Whether integrating with external security services or adding bespoke encryption layers, LoopBack’s flexible nature enables a tailored approach to security.

In summary, LoopBack’s robust security features provide a strong foundation for building secure web applications. From user authentication and authorization to data validation and custom security enhancements, LoopBack equips developers with the tools to protect their applications against various digital threats.

5. Need for a Strong Community and Ecosystem

A pivotal aspect of the LoopBack framework’s success and longevity in the competitive landscape of web development is its strong community and ecosystem. This vibrant collective not only drives the framework’s evolution but also provides an invaluable resource for developers at all levels of expertise.

The LoopBack community, comprising developers, contributors, and users worldwide, is a collaboration and innovation hub. This global network actively improves the framework by contributing code, reporting bugs, or suggesting new features. The open-source nature of LoopBack means that it benefits from diverse perspectives and skills, leading to a more robust, versatile, constantly refined framework.

In addition to community support, the LoopBack ecosystem is bolstered by comprehensive and well-maintained documentation. Newcomers and experienced developers find this resource indispensable for learning the framework’s intricacies, best practices, and advanced features.

The documentation is not just a manual; it’s a gateway to mastering LoopBack, offering tutorials, example projects, and in-depth guides that cover everything from basic setup to complex application development.

Another strength of LoopBack’s ecosystem is the extensive library of modules and plugins created by the community. These add-ons extend the framework’s capabilities, allowing developers to integrate additional functionalities with minimal effort.

Whether it’s authentication strategies, third-party integrations, or custom utilities, the availability of these modules significantly speeds up development and encourages the reuse and sharing of code.

Furthermore, LoopBack’s alignment with the broader Node.js ecosystem means developers can leverage the vast array of Node.js tools and libraries. This integration enhances LoopBack’s functionality and ensures it remains at the cutting-edge web development technology.

In conclusion, the strong community and ecosystem surrounding LoopBack are integral to its appeal and effectiveness. They provide a supportive learning, collaboration, and innovation environment, ensuring that LoopBack remains a top choice for developers looking to create modern, scalable web applications.

LoopBack Features

Before we start, let’s overview the advantages of the loopback framework. The benefits include:

  • We can create API quickly.
  • We can connect to multiple data sources.
  • Role-based authentication with no or minimal code.
  • Swagger application to document API.
  • CLI for scaffolding


To understand this post better, one should understand the express framework (a minimal and flexible node.js application framework).

Setting Up LoopBack Environment

The easiest way to create a loopback application is to use an application generator (such as Yeoman). Of course, creating a loopback application by coding it from scratch is possible. Still, the application generator does all the “heavy lifting” to create the basic scaffolding of the standard project layout.

You can customize the application using the CLI tools to suit your needs. For example, to create a basic loopback application, run the command as shown below:

npm install -g loopback-cli

It would help to have NodeJS and NPM pre-installed to run the above command.

A key feature of the loopback framework is that when you define a model, it automatically generates a predefined REST API with a full set of CRUD operations.

Models in LoopBack Framework Applications

Models are the core of the applications in the loopback framework. A model contains JSON and JS files by default. Models describe the business domain objects. It generally has a list of properties. They help in building REST APIs seamlessly. For example, the same code to create a model in loopback is shown below:

import {model, property} from '@loopback/repository';

export class Customer {
@property() email: string; 
@property() isPaid: boolean; 
@property() cart: ShoppingCart;

So, let’s discuss the models and see some types of models that we can create in the loopback application. Basically, we can categorize the models into three types. These are:

  1. Connected Model
  2. Built-in Models
  3. Custom Models

Connected Model

When we attach the model to a persistence data source, it becomes a connected model. We can connect the model to a data source with the help of connectors.

Built-in models

Every loopback application has a set of predefined built-in models such as User, Role, and Application, so you don’t have to create these common models from scratch.

Custom models

You can define your custom models specific to your application. For example, we can generate a model using the following command:

lb model

Generating a model automatically creates a unique default field as “id,” if the model is connected to persistent data sources such as databases. This ID is known as the primary key.

Model Relations

You can express relationships between models, such as ‘BelongsTo,’ ‘HasMany,’ and ‘HasAndBelongsToMany.’ We can create relations between models using ‘lb relation.’ This can help us establish the relationships between the models and further improve the REST APIs’ usability.

Loopback Application logic

You can add custom application logic in several ways:

  1. Add logic to model JavaScript file.
  2. Add logic to the boot folder by creating a JS file.
  3. Defining custom middleware like express application.

You can add code to validate data before saving it to the model and back-end data store.

Middleware in Loopback Framework

Middleware in loopback is like express but overcomes the issue of the order of execution we have in the express. In addition, it adds a concept of phases to overcome this issue.

Components of Loopback Framework

Loopback components provide additional “plug-in” functionality. Some of the components that loopback supports are listed below:

  1. Push notifications: Enables sending information to mobile apps for immediate display in a” badge,” alert, or pop-up message on the mobile device.
  2. Storage component: Enables uploading and downloading files to and from cloud storage providers (Amazon, RackSpace, OpenStack, and Azure) and the server file system.
  3. Third-party login: Integrates Passport and enables user login (and account linking) using third-party credentials from Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub, or any system that supports OAuth, OAuth 2, or OpenID.
  4. Synchronization: Enables mobile applications to operate offline and synchronize data with the server application when reconnected.
  5. OAuth 2.0: Enables loopback applications to function as OAuth 2.0 providers to authenticate and authorize client applications and users to access protected API endpoints.

Routing in LoopBack

As a loopback is built on express, routing in a loopback is like that of the express. In addition, though, loopback routing depends on the loopback middleware chain. The middleware to be loaded during the middleware phases is configured in the ‘middleware.json‘ file of the app.

Define Access Controls

Access controls generally give us control over the accessibility of the model. Using access control, we can restrict our model APIs.

For example, if we want the end-user to be unable to create new users, we can define access control for it. Access controls can be defined using the below command:

lb acl

Introducing Remote Hooks

A remote hook is simply a function executed before or after a remote method (either a custom remote method or a built-in CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) method).
You can define two kinds of remote hooks:

  • ‘beforeRemote()’ runs before the remote method.
  • ‘afterRemote()’ runs after the remote method.

Both remote methods take two function arguments: a method name and a call-back function.

Modeltest.beforeRemote('create', function() { })


I hope this post gives you an idea of the advantages of using loopback in your node.js projects. This post has listed all the features and benefits of using a LoopBack framework of Node.js. If this framework interests you, please check out the official documentation of the loopback framework.

Tavish lives in Hyderabad, India, and works as a result-oriented data scientist specializing in improving the major key performance business indicators. 

He understands how data can be used for business excellence and is a focused learner who enjoys sharing knowledge.

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